Local Council
Local councils are members of the community that meet to discuss and support ACDS in their county or counties. Each local council has a local council representative that serves as part of the State Executive Council. This council meets quarterly to discuss policies and procedures of the ACDS program as well as how to best implement ACDS in their regions. Ideally, membership includes representatives from:
family child care
head start
child care resource and referral
higher education
Board of Education
child care directors/employers
For information on how to join the local council in your area, please contact your local council representative or the ACDS office.
Local Council Representative Contact List
Below are links to documents that may be helpful to local councils and/or local council representatives.
Local Council Service Agreement
Local Council Policies + Procedures
Local Council Job Description
Instructional Plans Template
Local Council Rep. Invoice
“I am so glad that I’ve stuck with this program. It has helped me not only gain knowledge and experience, but also new perspectives and the ability to appreciate other methods.”
~ Anonymous Student