The ACDS Curriculum covers child development from birth to 12. The curriculum also contains WV child care licensing regulations and nation wide best practices.
The ACDS Curriculum has been written specifically for the ACDS program. The curriculum addresses child development and related topics for children ages birth to 12. The curriculum is divided into four semesters, and each semester targets a specific age range. First semester focuses on Infant/Toddler development, second semester begins with Infant/Toddler and progresses into Preschool age development, third semester targets Preschool development and fourth semester highlights School-Age development. Each semester builds skills learned in the previous semester and therefore must be taken in sequential order.
Each semester, students receive a set of printed materials that they will need throughout the semester. Examples of printed materials include: copies of instructor power points, articles, homework assignments and quiz reviews. These materials are covered by the registration fee and no additional funds are necessary to participate in the program. Students are responsible for purchasing a 3 ring binder to hold their printed materials.
For more information about each semester please click the links below.
Semester 1 Description + Objectives
Semester 2 Description + Objectives
Semester 3 Description + Objectives
Semester 4 Description + Objectives
Upon completion of coursework, students will receive an ACDS completion certificate. Upon completion of the required 3200-4000 on-the-job training hours, students will receive a United States Department of Labor Certificate. Once students receive both certificates they have fully completed the program and are considered journeypersons. Many community colleges throughout WV have articulation agreements with the ACDS program and will award journeypersons education credits toward an associate degree in early childhood. Please contact the ACDS office for more information regarding furthering your education.
“ I now understand how a child develops and I feel that I am more equipped to help children grow and develop.”
~ Anonymous Student