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ACDS welcomes new instructors. Instructors are part time employees of River Valley Child Development Services (RVCDS).  Instructors are expected to work a maximum of 6 hours a week for 17 weeks a semester. They are compensated every two weeks for the hours they work.  The job positing is available from February 1st to April 1st each year. Applications are available on the RVCDS website,, under the job opportunities tab. The application is also listed on As part time employees, instructors are subject to RVCDS policies and procedures. Upon hire, new instructors will participate in a training academy where they learn about the ACDS program and the curriculum. 


Instructors need easy access to program documents. Below are links to frequently requested materials. Click the links below to download and/or print the forms. 


Syllabus Semester 1
Syllabus Semester 2

Syllabus Semester 3
Syllabus Semester 4

Semester 1 resources
Semester 2 resources
Semester 3 resources

Semester 4 resources

Semester 1 Instructor Checklist
Semester 2 Instructor Checklist

Semester 3 Instructor Checklist
Semester 4 Instructor Checklist

Instructor Observation Evaluation

Instructor Evaluation By apprentice
Instructor Checklist for Apprentice
Instructor-Mentor Registration

Instructor Service Agreement

Homework Grading Rubric Semesters 2-4

Homework Grading Rubric Semester 1
Grade Sheet

Completion Roster
Apprentice Site Visit Pres.
Apprentice Site Visit Infant Toddler
Apprentice Site Visit School Age
ACDS Scholarship Application
Apprentice File List
ACDS Instructional Polices + Procedures
DOL Attendance Sheet


"I gained more knowledge than I thought I would. I had no idea there was so much about children that I did not know.”
~anonymous STUDENT

 611 Seventh Avenue, Suite 208 • Huntington, WV 25701 • Phone: (304) 523-0433 - (866) WVAACDS

This program is being presented with financial assistance as a grant from the West Virginia Department of Human Services and is administered by West Virginia Early Childhood Training Connections and Resources, a program of River Valley Child Development Services. The program is in collaboration with the United States Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship. 

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